NMIX 5110

Advanced New Media Production covered basics of HTML and CSS, including flexbox, as well as APIs, Javascript, and Vue.js.

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Serenity screenshot

Serenity is a pomodoro timer built using vue.js.

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Exercises Set Two

Code on MacBook

These exercises show practice work from 4 class periods that covered various components of Vue.js.

Assignment Two

assignment two screenshot

Assignment Two uses flex box to style data that is loaded from a json file of data about my classmates.

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Exercises Set One

Code on MacBook

These exercises show practice work from 3 class periods.

Assignment One

assignment one screenshot

This assignment utilizes basic Javascript to create multiple slideshows out of arrays that display on the screen when clicked. In order to format the images onto the screen, the CSS method Flexbox was used.

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Homework 1 Assignment

homework 1 assignment screenshot

This homework assignment is a warm-up piece that utilizes many various tools and tricks that are related to the basics of HTML coding.

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